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Insight, Info and Inspiration/Bibliography 

There were so many wonderful resources  I found and used,  and people that I either worked with, connected or were just generally inspired by. These have all fed into my mahi over the last 18 months and shaped the way I have approached my research project.  This is not an exhaustive list, but a number of the key resources and people. 

This is also the start of a curation of resources (along with the tools section) that I want to build out for others to get value from. 

Amazing People (that have inspired me or I have learned from)

Sarah Nally  - She Evolves Community founder and Chief Design Officer at ASB 

Crystal Adair-Benning - NY Times best selling ghost-writer and writing coach 

Jane Peacock - Partners in Digital 

Amanda Sterling coach and women in leadership specialist from Learning to Fly 

Christie Whitehill and the Tech Ready Women Academy and platform 

Samantha Gadd - CEO of EXcellent Design School (EX Manifesto)

Jenene Crossan 

Dil Khosa 

Frances Valintine 


People I engaged with/ consultants and courses 

Wendy Tibbots - my marketing and social media coach from ZigZag Marketing 

Cat Howell from the Flow Protocols 

Greg Sellar performance coach 

Alina B mindset coaching  

Freya Art - Procreate Classes 

Emotional Culture Deck - Riders and Elephants  by Jeremy Dean

Neuroleadership Institute Brain Based Coaching (2018) 

Ellen Hooper executive coach 

Amy Scott Communications Expert 


Sujith Ramachandra - Principal Consultant and Radically 

Olina Glindevi - Visual Agile Coach 

Hannah Wilson - Quoted Visually 




Pepeha Video - Aotearoa Liveration League 

Shape your Thinking: Brandy Agerbeck TEDX Windy CIty (Visual Thinking) 

Build your website with WIX Editor 


She Evolves

Dovetail Community 

She Owns It


Mia Freedman and the mama Mia network - Lady Startup Stories 


The 4 Active Ingredients for Long-Term Learning - AGES model


Building a second Brain Tiago Forte

Atomic Habits - James Clear 

Aroha - Dr Hinemoa Elder 

Books/Articles/Reports that shaped/directly contributed to the overall project

Abdulaziz Albaz, M. D., Tarek Rida, and Jörg Schubert. (2020). Unlocking growth in small and medium size enterprises. 


Akpan, I. J., Soopramanien, D., & Kwak, D.-H. (2020). Cutting-edge technologies for small business and innovation in the era of COVID-19 global health pandemic. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 33(6), 607-617. 


Akpan, I. J., Udoh, E. A. P., & Adebisi, B. (2020). Small business awareness and adoption of state-of-the-art technologies in emerging and developing markets, and lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1-18. 


AlphaBeta. (2021). Unlocking New Zealand’s Digital Potential: The Economic Opportunities of Digital Transformation and Google’s Contribution. 


Bali, K. (2020). [TED Talk]. In The giant leaps in language technology and who's left behind. 


Bank, L. (2020). Lloyds Bank 2020 Transformation with Tech Report.


Bealing M., Siddharth P., & Leroy de Morel L. (2020). Economic Potential of Cloud-Based Business Tools.


Better for Business. (2020). Business Health and Digital Enablement Research. 


Better for Business. (2021). Understanding digital capability of NZ businesses. 

Board Ready. (2021). Lessons from the Pandemic: Board Diversity and Performance.


Conway, P. (2018). Can the Kiwi Fly? Achieving Productivity Lift-off in New Zealand. International Productivity Monitor, 34(Spring), 40-63. 

da Silva, T. F. P. a. M., J. P. C.,. (2020). Human-Centred Design for Collaborative Innovation in KNowledge-based Economies. Technology Innovation Management Review, 10(9), 5-15. 


Deloitte. (2021). Westpac New Zealand Sharing the Load Report.


Department of Internal Affairs. (2019). The Digital Inclusion Blueprint, Te Mahere mō to Whakaurunga Matihiko.


Dorner, K., & Edelman, D. (2015). What digital really means. 


Fonseka, D. (2021). Letting go of the 'No 8 wire' mentality. 


Forum, D. S. (2017). Digital Skills for a Digital Nation: An Analysis of the Digital Skills Landscape of New Zealand. 


Gerritsen, J. (2021). Royal Society experts to inform ‘refresh’ of maths teaching. Radio New Zealand.


Grant, A., & Emre, M. (2021). Taken for Granted In Merve Emre on Emotional Intelligence as Corporate Control. 


Grant, M. (2020). Human-Centred Design. Human Resources. 


Hanington, B., & Martin, B. (2019). Universal Methods of Design, Expanded and Revised. Rockport Publishers. (2012)


Heatley, D. (2020). New Zealanders' attitudes towards robots and AI. 


Ibarra, H., Rattan, A., & Johnston, A. (2018). Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset. 

IBM. (2020). Beyond the Great Lockdown: Emerging stronger to a different normal. (2015). The Field Guide to Human Centred Design 


Jorge Amar, S. M., Zachary Surak, and Nicolai von Bismarck. (2022). How AI-driven nudges can transform an operation’s performance. 


Khan, M. S., & Rowlands, C. (2018). Mumpreneurship in New Zealand: an exploratory investigation. International Journal of Sociology and

Social Policy, 38(5-6), 459-473. 


Mastercard. (2022). The Mastercard Index of Women Entrepreneurs. 


MBIE. (2020). Small Business Factsheet 2019. 

McKinsey and Co. (2021). Unlocking growth in small and medium size enterprises. 


MYOB. (2022). The Digital Disconnection Challenge MYOB Report. 


MYOB. (2022 b). MYOB Average SME report NZ. 


Nakagawa, K., & Yellowlees, P. (2020). Inter-generational Effects of Technology: Why Millennial Physicians May Be Less at Risk for Burnout Than Baby Boomers. Curr Psychiatry Rep, 22(9), 45. 


New Zealand Productivity Commission. (2020a). Technological change and the future of work. 


New Zealand Productivity Commission. (2020b). Technological change and the future of work: At a Glance. 


New Zealand Productivity Commission. (2021). Productivity by the Numbers. 


New Zealand Productivity Commission, N. Z. W. R. I. (2019). Digital Divide Workshop (Summary). 


NewZealand IoT Alliance. (2017). Accelerating a Connected New Zealand.


Nolan, P., Fraser, H., & Conway, P. (2018). Moving on from New Zealand’s Productivity Paradox. Policy Quarterly, 14(3), 3-9. 


OECD. (2021). Emerging Systemic Risks in the 21st Century. 


Piazza, J. (2018). Why Women-Owned Business Thrive in New Zealand. 


Productivity Commission. (2019). New Zealand, technology and productivity: Technological change and the future of work Draft Report 1. 


Prosci. The Prosci ADKAR Model 


Reichert, B. (2017). Bill Reichert's New Zealand innovation report, part 1: impressive effort, but must try harder. Idealog. 

Review, H. B. (1983). 5 stages of small business growth. (May). 


Rock, D., & Cox , C. (2012). SCARF in 2012: Updating the social neuroscience of collaborating with others. Neruoleadership Journal(Four). 


Small Business Council NZ. (2019). The New Zealand Small Business Strategy.


Small Business Development Group. (2016). Small and Medium Business in New Zealand: Report of the Small Business Development Group. 


Swail, J. (2021). Raising capital in Aotearoa New Zealand: Insights from women entrepreneurs. 


Tera Alas, Michael Bershan, Anthony Impey, Charlie Mayfiel, Jan Mischke, & Jonathan Woetzel. (2020). Lessons on resilience for small and midsize businesses. Harvard Business Review. 


Trans-Tasman Business Circle and IBM. (2020). Let’s Rethink How the World Works: Embracing Opportunity in a post Covid-19 World.


Wilmott, G. (2016). New Zealand as a place talent wants to live – Paul Callaghan’s vision, five years on. The Spinoff. 


Xero and The Mental Health Foundation New Zealand. (2019). Small Business Wellbeing Report.

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